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Template & Layout are used to manage all the templates and layouts for the current Site. They can be used to edit, clone or delete a template, a template file or a layout.

Creating a new Template or Template file

Clicking on the New () menu and choose Template to create a new Template or a new template file for one of the existing templates. When you choose to create a new template file, you will be present with a code editor to enter Smarty and HTML code for the template.

Editing a Template file or Layout

Clicking on the App Listing menu and choose Templates to show all existing templates, then choose a template to show all the files and layouts for that template. To edit a file or a layout, click Edit to open the code editor, then you can edit Smarty and HTML code through the code editor. If the template is being used as the Site template, it should not be edited directly. You should clone it and edit the cloned template instead. When you finish, you can set the cloned template as the Site template.

Editing a Layout using the Layout Editor

Template Layouts can be edited using SiteGUI Layout Editor which is a visual editor to add/remove/arrange BlockHolders on a layout. To open the Layout Editor, click on Layouts in the App Listing menu to show all existing layouts and then choose a layout to edit. In the Layout Editor, you can add a BlockHolder and resize, move or delete it.