On this page

Most websites have a main menu at the top or the left and another secondary menu at the bottom of the page. These positions are often designated by the layout and we can add more menu items to the designated areas by using Menu Builder. Just like widget, menu is shown depending on the location and position to which it is attached and we can limit the scope of a menu to a particular page (Location = Page) or all pages of an app (Location = App) or every pages (Location = Site). We can easily create a menu to display on all pages and another menu to display only for a particular app or page.

Creating a New Menu

Create a new widget simply by clicking on the New () menu and choose Menu. Then specify a distinguished name for your menu and use the Menu Builder to add/remove/arrange the menu items. The Menu Builder should have all available menu items at the right panel, these includes all published collections and pages marked as menu items (were added to a menu once) that are not already in the current menu. Available menu items are grouped according to their types, you may need to click on (+) to expand those groups.

Adding a menu item by dragging it from the Available Menu Items panel to the Builder panel. The Builder supports 3-levels, drag to the left to increase the level (level 1 - parent) and to the right to decrease the level (level 3 - grandchild). Normally a collection should be used as the level 1 menu item, pages in that collection as the level 2 and optionally other pages as the level 3. The Builder also supports adding a hyperlink to an external address, just specify the link name and address to create it as a menu item. To remove a menu item, simply dragging it out of the Builder and back to the Available Menu Items panel.

A page can also be added as a menu item when it is created by specifying the menu it should be added to. In that case, it will be added as a level 1 menu item at the end of the menu, you can use the Menu Builder to re-arrange it.

Adding/Removing Menu Location

If you have Page::publish permission, you can choose a Location, section to attach the menu to. Multiple locations/sections are supported. If multiple menus are attached to the same location, they will be merged and displayed together (on website). To see all locations, just click on Location button. Next to each location, there is a button for you to remove that location to detach the menu from that location.

Managing Menus

Clicking on Menu in the App Listing menu will show all current menus and their locations. Menu can be created or cloned from an existing one by any staff but only be attached to a Location by staff having Page::publish permission. Attached menu cannot be saved or deleted by unauthorized staff, a cloned menu is created in that case instead so modification can be made. The modified menu can always be attached to replace the original one later by an authorized staff.