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Shopping Cart is a crucial part of your online store, just like a cart in your local supermarket, this is where your customers add products and buy them through checkout steps. Shopping Cart is not enabled by default but you may add it for free from the SiteGUI Appstore.

Activating and Configuring Shopping Cart

Once you have purchased the Shopping Cart app (free), you can click on the App Listing menu and choose Apps to look for it. Click on Activate if it is not activated or choose Configure to configure your Shopping Cart.

  • One variant per Order: enable to limit the quantity of a variant to 1 no matter how many time it is added. Other variants of the same product can be added. This is often enabled for selling intangible products (services, memberships etc).
  • One product per Order: enable to allow only one single variant of a product in an order. The quantity is always 1 and other variants of the product cannot be added.
  • Stock Checking: enable to prevent adding a variant if the available stocks is less than the ordered quantity
  • Guest Checkout: enable to allow customers to checkout without registering for an account
  • Currency Code: use a ISO 4217 currency code e.g: USD to specify the currency for the payment. This must match with the currency supported by your payment gateways.
  • Currency Prefix: Prefix for currency value e.g: $. This will be prefixed to any currency amount shown on the order form.
  • Currency Suffix: Suffix for currency value if prefix is not used. This will be suffixed to any currency amount shown on the order form.