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Activating the Order Management App

The Order Management app is free and available on the SiteGUI Appstore, you can add it to your site and activate it to manage orders received from your customers. This app can work by itself or integrate with other apps such as Inventory Management System to fulfill orders through well defined steps. This configurable option can be turned on when you configure the app.

Listing all Orders

Once the app has been activated, you can go to the App Listing menu and choose Orders to list all orders. Each order will show all order items, the order amount, the order status and the customer who purchased. The order status can be one of the followings:

  • Awaiting Confirmation: order received but the payment has not been paid yet.
  • Paid: payment has been received
  • Awaiting Fulfillment: order is accepted and shipment is being prepared
  • Awaiting Shipment: parcel is ready for couriers to pick up
  • In Transit: parcel has been picked up by couriers and on the way to the customer (additional messages will be provided by the shipping courier)
  • Delivered: parcel/service has been delivered
  • Returning: the parcel cannot be delivered to the customer and is on the way back to the warehouse
  • Returned: the parcel has been returned
  • Cancelled: the order has been cancelled
  • Disputed: the order has been disputed

Viewing an Order

Click on the button next to each order to view the order. The order should show the order number, status, order amount (tax and shipping fee if included), customer information and all the order items with their quantities.

Processing an Order

Each product should associate with an order fulfillment processor. When an order is processed, those processors will be triggered to fulfill the respective order items. Accounts can be created, emails can be sent as the result of the fulfillment processes. For products that require shipping, shipping labels can be created for each order item automatically. You may as well create them manually or consolidate several items into one package and create a shipping label for it. If the Inventory Management System is enabled, you can choose a warehouse to ship out the order items and an inventory transaction will be created to keep track of the inventory movement.