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Create a new App

To create a new App using App Builder, click on the New icon on the top menu and choose App to open App Builder. You will need to choose a Display Name and ID for your App, the ID needs to be unique and must contain at least one dash (_) character. To make it easier for you, the ID will be autofilled with your company name plus the dash character and the display name (e.g: yourcompany_bigapp), this way your app will be distinguished from other developers' apps.

What app can you build?

App Builder is suitable for building any app that is a collection of similar records. Each record may have multiple editable/selectable fields that accept client/staff's inputs and can be connected to other Apps to provide more information for the record such as comment, like, rating etc. App developer can choose to publish records to allow unregistered users to view them on the website or limit access to just customers or employees or even a group of employees only. App for Blog, News, Documentation, Ticket Tracker, Task Management (Feature Request, Sales Quotation, HR Management, Leave & Absense Management), Project Management, CRM can be built easily using App Builder.