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Adding a Staff (Admin)

Site Managers can add more staff to their Site, each staff account is an administrator account but what they can do depending on their role. To add a staff account, click on the New menu and choose Administrator, then enter Staff name, email and choose a Role(s) for the staff (multiple roles are supported). An invitation email will be sent to the staff's email for confirmation, the staff needs to follow the link in the email to confirm the invitation, activate the account (if not already exist) and have the Site added to their account.

Managing a Staff Account

Site Managers can list all staff accounts by clicking on the App Listing menu and choose Administrators. Here you can edit each staff account to change their role or enable/disable their accounts. You can also remove them from your Site permanently. The staff's name and email can only be updated by themselves.

Staff may use identity providers such as Google, Facebook or Github to login to the system, in that case their account types will be set to those providers.

Sharing the Staff Database

If you have more than one sites and they are on the same servers, you may opt to use the Staff database of one site for another, basically sharing the same staff information and roles between the two sites. This works pretty well if your sites are related to each other. Click on App Listing, choose Site, then set the option "Use Staff Role From" to the site you want to use the Staff DB.