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Supercharge your app with App Builder's automated Actions. Changing values, sending emails or update other App records when your defined conditions are true. Power are given back to instant app developers to alter app records even though they don't have access to the backend.
App developers may set up one or many conditions for an action and use AND or OR logic to aggregate those conditions. Action is only executed when the aggregated result is True. Condition starts with an input, a value and an operator to compare the input with the value
Condition input can be an event such as when record is created/updated, a record's property, a record's subapp's property, a record's property's value stored in the database or a temporary variable. Here are all the condition inputs:
Condition value can be a number, a string, property's value ( {{$property_name}} ) or a dynamic placeholder (e.g: {{placeholder}} ) which will be changed to a value during the comparison process. Here are all the dynamic placeholder:
Condition operator is the operator to be used to compare the value of the input with the specified condition value. Here are all supported operators:
To evaluate multiple conditions within a combo of conditions and actions, AND or OR logic can be used exclusively (no mixing AND, OR). Using AND requires all conditions are true while using OR just requires one of the conditions is true. By default, AND logic is used but app developers may opt to use OR.
In some situations, several combinations of conditions and actions can be used together by leveraging the temporary variable $. Each combination may change the value of $ to a unique value and the last combination will use $ as the input to compare with the unique value and take actions accordingly. Please note that the system will evaluate all combinations from top to bottom so the last combination always has precedence.
When the condition(s) are evaluated to True, the value of the record's properties (e.g: status, name), subapp's properties (e.g: comment.name) and the temporary variable $ can be changed to replace the values submitted by users or to be set if the value if it is not submitted or the user does not have permission to set it (hidden field/property).
The value can be a number, string or dynamic value such as:
This action is a pre-action which is executed before the data is saved to the database. As it is a pre-action, at the time it is executed for a new record, the record is not yet created and the record ID is not available. However, the record ID {{$id}} can be set as a value for a subapp's property because subapp data is processed after the record is created. If there are other actions in the same rule, those actions are also executed before the data is saved and the record ID may not be available to them. If the record ID is required, those actions should be moved to another rule that does not contain a 'Change Value" action.
App may change the input data for its SubApps using the Change Value action above. It can go further by creating or updating other Apps' record using Update App action, this action is run as the user submitting the record so the success of this action depends on the user's permissions.
The target of the action should be set to App (including instant, remote and standard app) and the first param should be the app name (App ID). The second param should be a property or a subapp's property of the App to be updated and the third param is the value of that property. This value can be a number, string or a dynamic value (like the values for the Change Value action above). Use the next param inputs (4th/5th, 6th/7th, ...) to add more property/value pairs. If the property "id" is not specified, a new record will be created, to update an existing record, the "id" needs to be specified and valid (can be retrieved using dynamic value)
After the input data is saved to the database and the condition(s) are evaluated to True, the system can use the Notify Staff action to let targeted staff know of the record by showing a popup link at the staff dashboard. The target for the action may be set to the following:
You may specify the notification category e.g: New Task as the first parameter of the action.
You may enter a message into the target input to show it on the screen. The first param can be set to 'success' or 'error' to indicate the message status. Placeholders (:first_name) can be used in the message (e.g: Hi :first_name :last_name) to support replacements with the real values, please use the 2nd param for the placeholder (first_name) and the 3rd params for the value e.g: {{$name}}, use the next param inputs (4th/5th, 6th/7th, ...) to add more placeholder/value pairs.
After the input data is saved to the database and the condition(s) are evaluated to True, the system can send an email to a target using Send Email action. The target may be set to the following:
There are 2 parameters that need to be specified for the Sending Email action. The first one is the email subject and the second one is the name of the email template (already exist in the email template folder or created using Templates in the builder).
App may send HTTP POST/GET request to an external website or API endpoint. The target should be a secure HTTPS website/endpoint and the 1st param should be either POST or GET to indicate the request type. The second param should be a field name and the third param is the value of that field. This value can be a number, string or a dynamic value (like the value for the Change Value action above). Use the next param inputs to add more field/value pairs.
If you wish to use HTTP Header, you may use a field name starting with Header__ and a value (e.g: Header__Authorization will send header Authorization) to send headers with the request.
This action will trigger an event specified in the target field e.g: Account::create. Any hook scripts/apps listens/subscribes to that event will receive the current record data (1st param) and also the previously stored record data (2nd param) to continue to process on their own. No changes can be made to the record data.
This is a post-action that is executed after the record has been saved. This action is similar to the Change Value pre-action but it is more simplified, it will retrieve the value from the submitted data or saved data (if not in the submitted data) and assign it as another property of the record. Then you can refer to this property in other actions just like other properties of the record. This will help preparing data to send via HTTP/Webhook easier.
While this action cannot change the data for the main record, it is able to change/empty the data for SubApp's records as the Automated Post-Actions for the main App are triggered after the main record is stored but before any data for SubApps is saved.
This action will add a product to the shopping cart and show the cart to the user. Use the target input to specify the product's variant ID to add and use the 1st param to set a static/dynamic value associated with the purchase. If the product allows dynamic pricing, a static/dynamic value can be specified using the 2nd param to set the product's price to a desired value. Here is an example of using Add to Cart: a job board allows their users to advertise jobs by paying a listing fee, when an user post a job listing, they will be redirected to make payment for a Listing service (Fulfillment Processor is Listing). An Add to Cart action is utilized in this case to select a Listing service variant and associate the target job ID to the shopping cart. After the payment is made, the Listing processor will be able to locate the Job ID and run necessary steps to list the Job.
If a property of the record is a multidimensional array and you want to get a value at the level 3 or 4, you will have to flatten the array into a 1-dimension array before you can retrieve the value. SiteGUI flattens using "__" as the separator between each level, for example: flattening the array $page["level1"]["level2"]["level3"] = 1 will produce the array $page["level1__level2__level3"] = 1. Now if you want to get the value of level3, you may retrieve it using the property level1__level2__level3
Unflatten is simply the reversal process of Flatten, it can convert a flatten property back to an array property, for example: unflattening the property $page["level1__level2__level3"] will produce/overwrite the property $page["level1"]["level2"]["level3"] with the value of $page["level1__level2__level3"]
If a property is an array and you want to send the value via the Send HTTP action, you may want to convert it to a JSON string before sending
You may assign a JSON string to a property and then use this action to convert the JSON string into an array.
The Loop feature allows you to iterate over an array (specified by the first param) and execute multiple actions located between the Start Loop and End Loop actions. During each iteration, the current item from the array is assigned to a variable defined in the target field, such as loop1
. You can access this value using {{$loop1}}
. If the value is an array, you can flatten it to access its properties, for example: {{$loop1__property1__property2}}
. Loops can also be nested, enabling you to run additional loops within a loop. For clarity, use hierarchical naming conventions like loop1_1
, loop1_2
, and loop1_2_1
for your loop names/targets. This allows you to access {{$loop1_1}}
, {{$loop1_2}}
, and {{$loop1_2_1}}
within their respective loops.
The End Loop action is used to signify the conclusion of the current (innermost) loop. This is optional; if there are no subsequent actions outside the loop, it will terminate automatically. When an End Loop action is encountered in a nested loop, it will close the innermost loop first and then move on to the outer loops. The target name should be used to indicate which loop is closed.