On this page
When building a website, you often need to link to external sites or even to internal pages. SiteGUI CMS makes it easy to create links and also utilizes Link to change the destination for your homepage or your applications' index page.
When creating a new page, if the slug starts with http:// or https:// or /, ?, # the created page's type will automatically be set to Link and will be available as a menu item which you can add to your site's navigations/menus. You are also able to create links with the Menu Editor, just specify the link name and address to create it. As a link, the page content is ignored but other page settings are still applicable to the link.
When you install a public application on your site, the application can be accessed at https://your-site.com/application_name. This URL works out of the box but there is no link to it, you may want to create a link to it in order to add it to a menu. In that case, you should specify /application_name as the slug (with the leading /) this will attach the link to the application. Now, if you change the link's settings, the change will also apply to the application's index page, e.g: if you set the link to private, the application's index page is also private. Please note that this only applies to the application's index page, other application's pages are not affected.
If you want to redirect your homepage to another page/site, you can create a link named index.html with the address set to another page/site. Your website visitors will be redirected to that page/site if you do not have a homepage created. Please note that your homepage's slug is always set to index.html while a custom homepage's link/redirection has index.html set as name.
Links are listed with other pages using the Page app. You can always change the address and other settings for the link.